John Paul Lederach - Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

I've been following John Paul Lederach's work for years, finding the words he uses inordinately relevant to all of the details and spaces of my life. John Paul is Professor of International Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at Notre Dame. He has been a teacher to me across time and space and I believe the ideas he brings into the world are teachers we all need for the world we are walking into.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Creating encounters with flourishing: A 'salon' at the National Academy of Sciences

Flourishing is not a fixed state; it is an unfolding. In this time of rupture we need encounters with flourishing, to know it in our lived experiences individually and collectively. In this transformative event on December 12, 2024, Ryan McGranaghan, host of the Origins Podcast and founder of the Flourishing Salons, engaged in a moving conversation with four profound provocateurs and a wider community of artists, designers, engineers, scientists, educators, and contemplatives. The event was co-hosted by Flourishing Salons and the Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences (CPNAS) DC Art and Science Evening Rendezvous (DASER).

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Ryan McGranaghan
Simon DeDeo - Studying society, the science of science, and collisions with the strange

Simon DeDeo's inquiry takes on the most immense topics: astrophysics, history, epistemology, culture. He brings the precision of a physicist, the capability of a data scientist, and the sensibility of a philosopher to thinking about how we live our lives; and his polymathic life might be the example we need to make sense of the world we are walking into, one requiring an evolution to our way of studying and understanding.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Agustín Fuentes - A master class in anthropology and a life lived among complexity

Agustín Fuentes reads a multi-million year history of our world, a student of its myriad lessons that often subvert unquestioned modern narratives and the problematic ways we've arrived at them. His is an anthropological, ecological, refreshingly unalloyed sensibility, an uncommon concoction whose life of scholarship and insight illuminate what we all might need to cultivate for the world we are walking into.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Origins and Ongoingness: Thoughts on Season Seven

Hello friends, a new season of Origins is coming NEXT WEEK. Last season of this show was a season of flourishing. The episodes ahead we not be a season of something in particular but a movement toward process, toward open-endedness, toward unsettledness; of discipline, of intellect, of being. Great scientific breakthroughs are discoveries of process, and the great discoveries of society and our own lives will be the same. 

Thank you for listening and I'm excited to explore together each of the coming guests, and the exhilarating glimpses they provide into ourselves and our society along the way.

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Ryan McGranaghan
The Great Askers (episode 1): Sara Hendren and Krista Tippett

We are starting a new series called ‘the great askers’ to center the philosophy and practice of asking questions. We will do this be talking with the people asking the most meaningful, searching, even troubling questions and on their process for constructing those questions. The series will be a collective conversation among the people changing the questions that make so much that is new possible. It begins with Sara Hendren and Krista Tippett.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Ingrid Daubechies - The "Godmother of digital image" on the beauty of the world

Ingrid Daubechies is endlessly, irrepressibly, beautifully curious. She is a Belgian physicist and mathematician whose scientific achievements have rippled across society in all directions for the past 35 years. But, more than that, she's a fierce champion of diversity and equality, in math and science, in women's rights, in opportunity. To sit with Ingrid, her math and her life, is to illuminate our world and inspire us to imagine other worlds.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Tina Eliassi-Rad - A master class in network thinking and the kind of life it makes

Tina Eliassi-Rad is a network thinker, a network science pioneer, and an intrepid explorer of where network science shows up in our world and how we understand that. Her work, as her life, falls across network science, complexity, artificial intelligence, and commitments to democracy and equality, itself a constellation of experiences and literacies befitting our increasingly complex world.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Judith Donath - Technology, trust, and what holds society together

Judith Donath is a design thinker for some of the most important theory for how people interact in online spaces, drawing on evolutionary biology, architecture, ethnography, cognitive science, and various other disciplines. She just might be the voice we need for the world we're walking into, one that crosses in-person and online boundaries and must understand interactions across media.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Paul Wong - Reinventing cybernetics and composing a life

We find ourselves living in a time of great complexity and flux, where the very fabric of our societies is being rewoven by the rise of artificial intelligence and the interplay of complex systems. How do we make sense of a world that is undeniably interconnected, with increasingly porous boundaries between nature and culture, human and machine, science and art? Paul Wong is reshaping that conversation, drawing on science, philosophy, and art.

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Ryan McGranaghan
Julio Ottino - chaos, the capacity for emergence, and timeless ideas

Every so often someone comes along whose thinking and work inspire you with the kind of awe that always feels new and fills you with an energy that brings vibrancy to life. Julio Mario Ottino is one of these people. Pulling from science, technology, and art, creating entirely new spaces in their convergence, he has transformed how to think about discovery and creativity.

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Ryan McGranaghan