Announcing Season Four of Origins!

During two years spent at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, curiosity-driven coffee conversations every morning with people who surprised and inspired me sparked an endless fascination with the pivotal moments across a life. Travels to leading art, science, engineering, and design institutions around the world nourished my passion and blossomed into the conversations you hear on Origins every other week.

On Origins we bring you conversations with thought-leaders across an eclectic mix of disciplines (science, engineering, art, and design), crafted specifically for the category-defying society that we live in. Join us as we explore the people expanding our world along with their network of thoughts, influences, and impacts, and what meaning they hold for you.

Over the past 18 months we have published 33 mind-expanding, path-altering conversations. The craft of the show has evolved over that time (just go back and listen to the first few episodes to see just how far it has come) and we welcome these changes as the only way to respond to our uncertain society. Today we release Season Four as the next step in that evolution.

We have used the personal 'trajectory' as a way of organizing things. Trajectories are not always best experienced in a sequential way and I believe there are better dimensions for organizing them. That is the structure of this podcast - the complex exploration of these trajectories to meet the complex lives of our guests and so that you can relate them to your own. On this season we will lean in to that complexity at a time when the world demands this kind of rethinking of each of us.

Over the next dozen or so episodes we will explore topics central to our society today, including: the philosophy of design and what it means for science and society, the deeper view of artificial intelligence, becoming a planetary civilization and the science and engineering we need, thinking collectively rather than individually and the groups and institutions that are showing us how, the global commons, what it means to flourish as individuals and as groups, and much much more.

The thought-leaders you will hear from over the next dozen or so episodes come from around the globe and are those that are creating the waves that will shape our society of the future. I cannot overstate how excited I am for you to hear each one. 

The speakers we bring to the show are much more than the conversation we can possibly have in an hour. They are worlds and they bring us into contact with many other worlds. We use the show notes to be a kind of network of those worlds, helping you take the ideas into your own life and explore the web of information.

If you enjoy the show, it goes a long way to helping others discover it and experience whatever joy or expansion you have by rating us on Apple Podcasts and leaving a review.

You can find and share Origins wherever you get your podcasts (Apple, Google, Spotify, etc.) and we are appreciative of any posts on Instagram or Twitter to thoughts an episode sparked in you. Help us create a community around these brilliant conversations.

Finally, we are always drawing inspiration from new people and looking to bring those voices to Origins. Please share who is inspiring you and that you might like to hear on the show. Drop us an email from our website or send me a note on Twitter (@AeroSciengineer).

Ryan McGranaghan